Dining room decor inspired by ‘Once Upon a Time’

OK, I realize I’m a bit late to the party, but I recently discovered the TV series “Once Upon a Time” and have since become a huge fan. Is anyone else totally crushing on the mayor’s office decor?

When I saw Regina’s office on the show, I knew this was the exact feel I wanted for my dining room. I’ve probably mentioned about a million times we live in the woods near a lake, so I try to incorporate rustic elements into my decor whenever possible. But my goal is to do it in a sophisticated, chic way. I’m not exactly a “deer-head-on-the-wall” or “antler-chandelier” type of gal.

Here’s my version of an “enchanted forest”-themed dining room …

Of course you have to start with a bowl of apples, right?


I absolutely love my branch chandelier from Pottery Barn:

Pottery-Barn-chandelierI took down my stenciled curtains that only look good through squinted eyes and replaced them with these branch panels purchased (with multiple 20-percent-off coupons) from Bed, Bath & Beyond:

Branch-curtainsEven my dinnerware has a branch theme:

Once-Upon-a-Time-dishesNote: I absolutely love the look of these dishes, but they chip very easily … just a word of caution if you’re thinking about buying them.

I think the vignette I created on the buffet has an “enchanted” feel.


Dining-room-buffet-vignette-cuBy the way, I am on the lookout for this bowl that was featured in Regina’s office:



Does anyone know where I can find a similar one at a more affordable price?

Here’s a shot of my “enchanted forest” dining room:


I’m still working on adding more details, so stay tuned.

Have you ever gotten decorating inspiration from a favorite TV show?

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24 Responses

  1. sarah says:

    Love what you’ve done with it!
    I’m with you on the sophisticated forest feel. I had to decorate along those lines when my husband told me he had one stipulation when we redid the living room……. he has always wanted a camo recliner! LOL But it works! Even without the deer head on the wall and antler lamps. hehe

  2. Theresa says:

    Have you ever heard of the Designer Dad blog? Designer Stephen Saint-Onge talks about design ideas from tv shows all the time. He has even toured the sets of a few shows, The Good Wife being one, and talks with the set designers. I always look for design ideas when I see house interiors in movies or on tv.

  3. Sherry says:

    I’ve seen those types of bowls at TJ Maxx and Marshalls. Very pretty!

  4. Kathy says:

    Love what you’re doing. Try Wayfair.com for the bowl. I searched using “branch bowl” and “coral bowl.” I think I’ve seen them on Joss & Main site occasionally, too.

  5. Sharon says:

    I love all of the natural elements. Green apples are such a great way to bring in a pop of color….and look so good agains the brown backdrop on your walls. The new curtains are really pretty…they definitely add to the enchanted forest feel. Looking good!

  6. Tanya says:

    Love the light fixture, accents and brown,white green together, looks fabulous!

    xo, Tanya

  7. Mimi says:

    Your bowl question: I think IKEA has a similar bowl (open work branch-like) that’s a little shallower – more spread out & not so tall. In silver (stainless?). You could spray it paint white (one of my favorite decorating tricks) if you’re not planning on using it for food.

  8. Mimi says:

    Here’s a bowl in copper or black for $13.50 — http://www.luckyclovertrading.com/product-p-3841.html

  9. Anna Caranci says:

    I LOVE IT! I am a huge fan of any kind of branch theme, and I actually totally understand your rustic chic idea. That bowl is beautiful, the only thing I could think of that was kinda similar (but not really) was this one from IKEA: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/90110061/. Only $20, but not exactly the same “spindly branch” theme. Could spray paint it white though to help a bit…

  10. Billie York says:

    Love the look! I have been wanting to watch “Once Upon A Time” but I wasn’t sure about it but I will check it out now if you recommend. I am not a real antlers kind of gal either but I had one set painted black and I use them for some of my jewelry displays and in a bookshelf and I actually like it! (My husband is a hunter so I felt it was important to include his style too. Keep up the good work!

    • Susan says:

      Be careful. You’ll probably get hooked on the show like I did and end up watching episodes for 10 hours straight.;) The first season is on Netflix. For Season 2, we’ve had to watch it on Hulu Plus. And Season 3 will be coming this fall to ABC.

  11. Mimi says:

    I checked etsy for a “branch bowl” and here’s a 13″ one for $38 that’s made by a potter (you could probably have her do a custom one for you in your color & maybe even more branchy) — http://www.etsy.com/listing/97069069/open-work-olive-branch-bowl-with-holes?ref=shop_home_active and here’s another by her http://www.etsy.com/listing/152747837/open-work-pottery-bowl-with-holes-with?ref=shop_home_active

  12. Big Mega says:

    Haha sis you crack me up! WE LOVE THAT SHOW, your decor is so trendy and I saw her office on the show and thought of you actually because it reminded me of your style, haha! It looks lovely

  13. Shell We says:

    Looks really good & earthy. Have you tried Homegoods, TJMaxx for the bowl? Think I may have seen something similar in Ross a time or two.

  14. Ran says:

    I really liked the bowl, I looked for it everywhere but could not find.
    If you could send me a reference to where I can buy these I’d be very grateful.
    Love your style,

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