No-cost, DIY evergreen centerpiece
So I was in Walmart yesterday stocking up on supplies for an upcoming, epic Christmas cookie bake off, when I was suddenly and completely distracted by the store’s display of evergreen holiday centerpieces.
I’ve been known to get hit by lightning strikes of DIY inspiration at random places, and this was definitely one of them. It was an “Oh my goodness, I have to do this project today” strike, in fact.
So later that afternoon, I headed out to the yard to collect some evergreen branches. I cut sprigs from various pine trees as well as our arborvitae and boxwood shrubs.
The base for my holiday centerpiece was an old sleigh basket that once held a Christmas floral arrangement years ago.
I grabbed a few floral foam balls I had on hand and jammed them into the sleigh.
Then I placed the clipped evergreen sprigs in and around the foam.
My goal was to create a full, rounded, professional look. For a pop of color and texture, I added a few branches from a faux berry spray and two large pine cones.
If you’re wondering why the yellow dish gloves, I really have no good reason. I was probably doing dishes, prepping dinner, and putting this centerpiece together at the same time, cuz that’s how I roll.
The good news is that this project was quick and easy. It only took about a half hour total. After filling the sleigh with evergreen sprigs, I added some water to the bottom of the container (it had a plastic insert already in it). Done!
Here’s my fresh, holiday evergreen centerpiece.
The best part of this project was that it was totally free using stuff I already had in the house and yard. Holiday centerpieces with real greenery like this are not cheap to buy. But you can totally make this yourself at little to no cost, if you’ve got shrubs in your yard (or you can steal some branches from your neighbor’s yard). 😉 If you have a container but it’s missing a plastic insert, you could try using a few layers of Press ‘n Seal to keep the water from leaking out the bottom. That’s what I would do. 😉
What do you think of my DIY evergreen holiday centerpiece?
Love this – been meaning to go cut some weeds out of the back yard 🙂
I love using what is on hand.
INSPIRED! I’m so excited to try this! I even just nabbed a little sleigh from Goodwill! Thanks for the post!!
Sahweeeeet! 🙂 Thanks for the feedback.
What a great idea love it!
Thanks, Patricia. 🙂
That’s not the kind of foam to use in a fresh arrangement. It won’t absorb water for the arrangement to stay fresh.