Holiday home improvement project

Hey there peeps! Are y’all ready for Christmas? (Cue Jock Jams “Y’all ready for this …” music.)

I am sooo not ready. Like every other year, I’m overwhelmed, panicked about what gifts to buy, and lethargic after coming down from multiple cookie and fudge sugar highs.

So, with all the holiday hoopla going on, I decided last weekend that this would be the perfect time to start renovating our guest bathroom. Don’t try to make sense of my insanity; just roll with it.

Maybe I needed a break from all the decorating, baking and shopping. Or maybe the jingle bells started messing with my head. I don’t know. But, at any rate, here we are …

This is our guest bathroom (before) in all its glory:

I have been staring at these crazy, peach-colored (or is it nectarine?) walls for nearly a year. Even the baseboards are peach! I simply can’t. take. it. anymore.

My inspiration for this bathroom project came from Pinterest (of course). In addition to a white Christmas, I’m now dreaming of white baseboards and beadboard molding.

White Bathroom contemporary bathroom

(Click the photo for source.)

I’ve already purchased the paint for the room. The hubs was a little concerned that the color was too dark, but I assured him (and myself – crossing fingers) that it would be fine. With the shower/tub combo, closet door, vanity, mirror, molding etc., there really isn’t much of the actual wall color that will be seen, so it shouldn’t be overwhelming.

I chose Hot Cocoa (3056), purchased from Ace Hardware.

I picked this color because I already have the towels and shower curtain on hand that will go in the room (we used them in our master bathroom at our last home). I still like them very much and I didn’t want to have to purchase new. So, I was limited in my paint color choices to the ones that would blend nicely with the linens.

We are planning on replacing the hideous light above the vanity. And we want to replace all the fixtures and hardware in the room with oil-rubbed bronze pieces. To save money, we’re keeping the existing flooring, cabinetry and countertop.  However, I would like to add a beautiful, new area rug that compliments the towels and shower curtain.

So far, since we started last week with this project, we’ve managed to remove the old towel racks, fill and sand the holes, and paint the baseboards and trim. I have had a lot of help along the way.

Tiny painted the chair rail that will go atop the beadboard molding.

So that’s the plan, Stan. I will keep you updated on our progress. My goal is to have this project done by the new year. Do you think we can do it?

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2 Responses

  1. Jess A. says:

    I know you guys can do it!! Can’t wait to see it in May!! 🙂 Keep the fantastic posts coming, I love it!!

  1. January 3, 2012

    […] case you don’t remember, this is the project we started right before Christmas. My goal was to get it finished before Jan. 1. Ummm, raise your hand if you think I accomplished […]

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