#003: Seasonal decorating for less – 10 strategies [Podcast]

Want to go big with your seasonal decor without going broke?

In today’s Living Rich on Less podcast episode, I share my top 10 strategies for creating a festively decorated home on a shoestring budget.


 DIY decorative wood blocks


Estate auction mantel decor

Episode highlights

A few of my favorite strategies for saving money on seasonal decorations include:

  1. Don’t jump the gun. 
  2. Go old school. 
  3. Think local.
  4. Get your DIY on.

To get all the details on these four strategies, plus six more helpful tips, click below to listen to the full, 23-minute podcast episode.

Download Episode #003: Seasonal decorating for less – 10 strategies

I’m also excited to announce that you can now subscribe to my podcast in iTunes, so you never miss an episode and can listen at your convenience on your mobile device.

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Launching the Living Rich on Less podcast has been a real growth experience for me. I am working hard to get better with each episode. I welcome your feedback about how I can improve. And I’m always looking for fresh topics for future episodes.

I hope you’ll consider rating my podcast in iTunes and leaving me a review. And, as always, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section of this blog post.

I’m linking this up to Home Stories A to Z and Kathe with an E.

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4 Responses

  1. Melissa says:

    I find your podcasts so helpful. I love your first tip. I also use tip #2. It is always fun the following year to open my seasonal totes and discover the new purchases I scored on clearance the previous year.

  2. Patricia says:

    Really enjoyed the podcast! You gave me some great ideas, and I too just love Dollar Tree & Family Dollar. I have been able to find some really cute, but cheap decorating fall ideas!!

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