Big news! Living Rich podcast coming soon

Today I am excited to share with you an upcoming project I am very passionate about.

Later this month, I will be launching my own podcast!

Podcast-art-final-LOW-RESOver these past two years of blogging, I have learned so much more than how to operate power tools and organize closets. I’ve embarked on what has become the most difficult, yet rewarding journey of my life. I’ve discovered a great deal about myself along the way … some of it good, some of it bad, some of it ugly.

The point is that I believe it’s time to take this whole Living Rich on Less thing to the next level. I mean, we can slap a pretty label on every bin, decorate every shelf so it’s magazine-worthy, and create “befores” and “afters” that rival the ones on HGTV. But if we aren’t experiencing true joy, peace and passion in our lives, what good does it do?

My podcast will aim to dig a little deeper into the tough issues we struggle with as women.

The truth is, we all want the same things. We want to live and work with passion, nurture our relationships, and create beautiful, peaceful homes where we can enjoy the fruits of our labor. But we face some serious challenges.

The good news is there are real solutions out there. And that is what I’ll be bringing to you through the Living Rich podcast.

Here’s a sneak peek at a few of the upcoming topics on the podcast schedule:

How the “C” factor took me from anxious and overwhelmed to calm and confident

Perfection paralysis: Moving past ‘do it well’ to ‘do it done’

Women and guilt: Why we heap it on ourselves and 5 ways to kill it

Why our homes are so filthy and how to keep them clean for good

The Living Rich podcast will be available completely free from my website and also through the iTunes store. Stay tuned for more details on when the first episode goes live!

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9 Responses

  1. Sharon says:

    Oh, wow! I’m so excited for you, Susan. I remember you talking about this when we did our hangout. I’m delighted that it’s coming to life. CAN’T WAIT!

  2. Melissa says:

    Sounds like some great topics. I am definitely planning to listen.

  3. Angie W says:

    Can’t wait!

  4. This sounds exactly how I feel! Can’t wait to listen in. ~Sonya

  5. Deanna says:

    I’m looking forward to your podcasts, really love your site!

  6. Lynda Lamon says:

    Looking forward to your new venture!! I have enjoyed your blog!!!

  7. Nan says:

    So looking forward to your podcasts! I really enjoyed what you shared on the hangout you did earlier.

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