#002: Change your life; get organized in these 4 areas [Podcast]
I have never met someone who didn’t crave more organization in at least one area of his or her life. It seems no matter how hard we try to juggle everything, there is always one ball about to fall.
Ultimately, I think we’d all like to experience less schedule stress and more moments of serenity.
In today’s podcast episode, I discuss the top four areas of organization that, I believe, have the potential for the most immediate and profound impact on our lives.
Implementing the strategies I share in this episode should give you a little more wiggle room in your schedule and put you on a path to less anxiety and stress and more peace and productivity.
Click below to listen.
Download Episode #002: Change your life; get organized in these 4 areas
Episode outline:
To read more about each of the top four areas of organization discussed in the podcast, click on the titles below.
Episode resources
One of my favorite journal books: iChoose2 Love My Life
“Eat that Frog” by Bryan Tracy
Download a free copy of my refrigerator grocery list here.
For detailed information on how I created my mail center (plus photos), click here.
My top picks for debt reduction resources are: Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, Good Financial Cents, and Christian Personal Finance.
Launching the Living Rich Podcast has been a real growth experience for me. I am working hard to get better with each episode. I welcome your feedback about how I can improve. And I’m always looking for fresh topics for future episodes. Please feel free to leave me a comment with your thoughts.
I’m linking this up to Home Stories A to Z, Kathe with an E, Fluster Buster and Women Living Well.
Love your website! Wanted you to know I highlighted it on my blog during my Sunday Organizing highlight day!
val from myplvl.blogspot.com
Thanks so much, Val!
Hi. I came to your blog via Val’s Quilting studio… http://myplvl.blogspot.com.au/2013/09/sunday-organizing-mind-schedule-food.html
I have to say, I’m so glad she posted about you. Your podcasts are excellent and exactly what I needed today.
As you may have guessed by my name, I have become a little overwhelmed just trying to keep on top of the day to day things. I used to revel in organised chaos, but somewhere between getting married and having 3 children in under 3 years, the “organised” part of my organised chaos has disappear. Now that the kids are getting bigger and my eldest two are in school, I am busy trying to find it again. I know I left it around here somewhere, but, somehow, I think it is going to take a while to find it amongst all this dirt and mess.
What a great website. Keep up the good work 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by. I’m still trying to dig my way out of the chaos, too!