‘Looking’ rich on less: another fashion attempt

Since I am still working on dining room molding and don’t have any more progress photos yet, I thought I’d step away from the miter saw and talk fashion with y’all today.

If you’re thinking, “Hey weirdo. I thought you blogged about decorating, organizing and home improvement. What gives?” Well, a few weeks back, I joined a fun “Pin-it-and-wear-it” challenge and it got my fashion mojo flowin’ big time. I was surprised at how many Pinterest-inspired outfits I could put together by getting a little creative and using stuff I already had in my closet. How’s that for saving money and living rich on less? Then for whatever reason … maybe it was curiosity … maybe you just needed a good laugh … when I shared my “Pin-it-and-wear-it” outfit in a post, my blog stats showed a large number of you were interested in reading about it. So guess I figured it might be OK to share another one with you. 🙂

Here’s the latest pin I’ve attempted to replicate:

Pinterest photoVia Pinterest

And here’s my version, using items from my closet:


  • Denim jacket and black turtleneck sweater – Gap Outlet
  • White necklace – Chadwicks of Boston
  • Skirt – Burlington Coat Factory
  • Boots – T.J. Maxx

What do you think? Did I come close to a match?

By the way, did you notice how scraggly my grass is? Maybe I should spend less time trying to be fashionable and more time honing my landscaping skills. Oh and since it’s just me and little man at the house today, I had to set up the tripod, put a timer on the camera, then run back and forth trying to get at least one decent shot. The neighbors think I’m nuts.

Soon little man will be big enough to help out with my photo shoots. He’s still too short:

Power-RangersHere he is sporting a Power Rangers mask his sis made him out of my scrap fabric. Did you know that I share cute stuff like this all the time on Living Rich on Less’s Facebook page? If you haven’t already, hop on over and “Like” it here. 🙂

OK. I’m changing back into yoga pants now. I have to make about another hundred cuts on the miter saw. Sigh.

I’m linking this up to The Pleated Poppy.

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14 Responses

  1. Deenna says:

    LOVE IT!!! Thank you for sharing your pinterest outfit find! I think you did a fabulous job and so glad you are willing to share:)

    I truly appreciate your ability to inspire us to live rich on less!!!
    Keep sharing and you have a beautiful family!

  2. Cute post! Great outfit and great pic of you 🙂

  3. michelle says:

    Susan…..you could pull an outfit out of the trash and it would be stunning!!!! You exude grace, poise and beauty. Love it!

  4. Vicki says:

    Way to look lovely on less! Nice photo you took by yourself too.

  5. Vicky says:

    Fab, more of these please. great for tweaking wardrobe dilemmas, which I have everyday and just end up in jeans n jumper again.

  6. Pamela says:

    Very cute and looks very comfortable.

  7. Cute!! The outfit AND the kiddos!
    xo Heidi

  8. you and the children look awesome!

  9. Kellyann says:

    You did a great job creating your look-alike outift! You look super!

  10. Gina says:

    You did a great job! Would love to see a lot more of this. 🙂

  11. Ashley says:

    I think you put together this outfit so well! I’m so with you – I hate spending money on new things, so I try to do the best I can to wear what I already have in new ways!

    • Susan says:

      Thanks, Ashley. Oh how I wish I had an unlimited budget to go crazy on clothes, but I’ve got to get creative. That builds character though, right?

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