My organized vehicle (plus 10 things you should always keep in yours)

The weather over the past few days has been absolutely spectacular, so I finally took the opportunity to get outside and give my vehicle a good cleaning. It was about time, too, considering the interior was starting to resemble the dumpster side of a fast food restaurant.

While I was vacuuming, scrubbing, polishing and decluttering, I also organized a little better so we would – hopefully – keep things neater in the future. I started by filling a super cute bag I bought at a friend’s Thirty-One party with stuff to occupy Tiny (our nickname for our 6-year-old daughter) on trips.

Organized-car-toysI added washable markers, coloring and activity books, movies (for our vehicle’s DVD player) and Tiny’s Nintendo DS.

Also, because we live next to a lake and spend a lot of time there in warm weather, I packed a beach bag. I used a matching Thirty-One tote to hold everything.


Now all we need to do before we leave for the lake is get dressed and pack some snacks.


As I was cleaning and organizing, I made sure my center console was stocked with wet wipes, an absolute necessity for any vehicle with kids in tow.


Speaking of vehicle necessities, a recent article from MSN Autos suggests you keep the following items in your car at all times:

  1. A collection of basic tools and an easy-to-follow automobile fix-it guide
  2. Food (Non-perishable items like individually wrapped granola bars work great.)
  3. Water (Consider at least a few one-liter bottles.)
  4. Clothing (Warm and waterproof items are preferred.)
  5. Flashlight
  6. Jumper cables and a tow rope
  7. First-aid kit
  8. Spare tire, jack and a lug wrench that fits
  9. Blanket
  10. Lighter

I feel so much better driving around in a vehicle that is clean and organized.

2005-Nissan-ArmadaOn a side note, because we applied the principles we learned in Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, we were able to pay off our vehicle last year and we can proudly say we are now completely debt free (except the house)! Of course, it helped that we scored a pretty great deal on this Nissan (we paid $13,000) because it had a few minor dents, dings and scratches. After we bought it, we took it to a local body shop for repairs and still saved major moolah in the end. I’m sharing all this simply to point out that this website is not about lip service. Our family truly makes an effort to “live rich on less.” To read a bit about our financial story, click here.

Have you done any car cleaning and organizing recently? Do you have any great tips to share?

I’m linking this up to We are THAT Family.

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5 Responses

  1. Dorothy says:

    I, too, have organized my vehicle using the Thirty-One tote in the same pattern you have. I keep an umbrella, blanket, lightweight jacket,garbage bags and flashlight in it. And still have room for more! I also have a great Car Safety kit that I got at Costco for our vehicles ( including our adult children) that has the jumper cables, flare, etc. in them. Even close to home, these are invaluable things to have with you. I enjoy your blogs and look forward to reading more of them.

  2. Robin Knight says:

    I absolutely LOVE this post!! All of your Thirty One products are being put to great use!! The carry all caddy is also in my van in between my front 2 seats. I love the mesh pockets on the side because in one side I have my hand sanitizer and the other side is Kleenex. One of the main reasons that caddy was created was to make life more simple. Life can get so crazy but being organized definitely helps in that area! I have been a 31 consultant for 5 years and when I saw this I just smiled!! You would be a great consultant…you have great ideas for our products!!

  3. Amy says:

    I love those tips! I really need to clean out my console and get my car a little more organized. Congrats on paying off the car! We only owe on our mortgage and one car. It’s such a great feeling!

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