The insanity behind the scenes of my Rory Vaden Show appearance

I recently had the privilege of chatting live on the air with self-discipline expert and best-selling author Rory Vaden. Rory hosts a weekly radio show targeted at “movers and shakers in the world of business”™.

Rory Vaden Show


I was excited to talk with Rory about how I could get more self-discipline in my daily routine and take my business to the next level. However, I was also extremely nervous about what would happen when I was unleashed on a live audience. 😉

The Rory Vaden Show producers told me to stand by the phone around 11:15 a.m. and wait for their call. After that, I would be put on the air to share my story and ask Rory a question relating to business.

Considering both of my small children are at home with me full-time during the summer, I had to make some careful preparations to ensure the radio audience didn’t hear any “poopie head” comments or Cheerios/juice disasters in the background during the segment.

My oldest watched her little brother (yes, there was a lot of bribery involved) while I stepped out on the front porch to wait for the call, taking advantage of the best spot on our property for cell phone reception.

I stared at my phone as the nervousness crept up on me like ill-fitting underwear. Fortunately, I was quickly distracted by a woodpecker hammering on a tree nearby. “Oh crap,” I thought. “The audience will hear that.” So I proceeded to throw rocks at the bird until the show called.

Rory and I had a great conversation about what to do when the excuse of “no time” paralyzes your business progress. I got some great takeaways! Rory is always a fantastic motivator. I would definitely encourage you to listen to the full episode. You can check it out here.

When the segment ended, I said goodbye and went inside. The kitchen floor had a trail of grape juice running the entire length of it. But no one was injured; the juice was not on the carpets; and the kids were smiling. Success!

I share this experience with you not only for humor’s sake, but also to encourage you that, despite the craziness going on in your home or life, you can still make time to work hard on your business and move the needle forward, so to speak.

You may need to get a little creative to make it happen (or even bribe the kids with mac and cheese and slushies from Sheetz ;)). The point is, we can’t allow the busyness and challenges of life to keep us from realizing our dreams.

“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” – Proverbs 14:23

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1 Response

  1. Rory Vaden says:

    Great having you on the show! You were born for greatness and I look forward to following your progress! Thanks for joining in!

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