Spring cleaning tips (for busy peeps)

OK. We are officially home after our 7-day cruise to the Bahamas. (I’ll be offering highlights of the trip soon.) These past few weeks have been carraazzaayy around here and I haven’t been able to do much decorating or organizing. In fact, I’ve been experiencing so much DIY withdrawal that, when I get back to work on the house this weekend, I fear I’ll go into a frenzy that resembles a drum solo by Animal from the Muppets.

In order to avoid going totally loco, today I thought I’d soothe my angst by offering you my thoughts on spring cleaning. (How’s that for weird?)

If you’re anything like me, you wish you could complete one of those multi-page spring cleaning checklists you see all over the web and in magazines. But, let’s be honest, many of us don’t have time to get our regular cleaning chores done, let alone launch a massive spring cleaning assault on our homes. Yet we yearn for a feeling of progress, a fresh start in a fresh season.

So here’s my top five spring cleaning projects that I believe are worth the investment of time:

1. Create a welcoming entrance. Sweep off the front porch and scrub down the front door. Get rid of any clutter or debris. Consider purchasing a new welcome mat and spring-themed wreath. And, for the love of Pete, please take down those Christmas decorations!

Because our family enters our home through the garage, I make a point to dress up this door, too. It gives us that nice, ahhhhh moment after a long, hard day at work.

2. Clean the fridge, freezer and microwave. Toss out any outdated (or unrecognizable) food and give the appliances a good scrub down. This is also a good time to do some mental self-talk about how you can commit to healthier choices for your family. (I did this after I discovered the majority of the stuff in my fridge was in restaurant takeout boxes.)

3. Clean the inside of your vehicle. Take everything out, pitch the trash and remove any items that don’t belong. Clean all the hard surfaces and apply a protectant. Consider steam-cleaning the upholstery and carpets. If you’ve got the time, give the outside a good scrub, too. Your vehicle will look showroom ready! Be sure to stock it with tissues and disinfectant/baby wipes.

I don’t know how it works, but cleaning my car always makes me feel more important and in control of my life. Try it and see for yourself!

4. Clean and de-clutter your bathrooms. Hopefully, you’re cleaning your bathrooms more than once a year, so I’m gonna focus on the de-cluttering part. Get rid of the 15 bottles of shampoo and conditioner in your shower. Let’s try two bottles of hair stuff plus maybe a body and face wash; or, if you have kids, a baby wash. That’s it, folks. It’s so much easier to clean a shower when you don’t have to work around all those products!

Next, organize the remaining stuff in the cabinets and under the sink. Dollar stores are a great place to pick up low-cost storage containers for bathroom supplies. And please throw away those outdated medications.

5. Get your paperwork in order. This means going through all the stacks of bills, receipts, mail, magazines, etc. strewn about your home. Be ruthless about pitching (recycle, please) the junk and be honest about what you actually have time to read. Take care of anything that needs attention and file the rest. Vow to quit the piling, people.

There are meellions of other things we could (or should) do around the house this spring to get it all sparkly and organized. These are only a few, but I believe they will yield you some big rewards.

Last, but certainly not least, don’t lay guilt on yourself about all the things you can’t accomplish right now!

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. – Romans 8:1

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. – Romans 5:1

And be sure to spend time with your family doing the things that really matter, like having a campfire on a warm Sunday evening with the best hubby, daughter and dog ever;)

Do you have any spring cleaning tips or tricks up your sleeve? Please share.

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5 Responses

  1. Cyndi Spivey says:

    I love your spring cleaning tips! I just bought a new wreath for my front door at Target but it seemed just a little too small so I put in on my garage door. I’m still looking for one for my front door.
    Miss you girl!

  2. Renee Hittle says:

    Right now, my house is in a terrible state of disorganization. But I am DETERMINED to get it clean and organized. My newest cleaning trick is to take a tiny area and spend 15 minutes decluttering and cleaning it. And then I stop! This helps keep me from being overwhelmed. Thanks for the verses, also. They were just what I needed to hear.

  3. Emily Mazzamuto says:

    I adore your idea about dressing up the garage door!!! Doing it tomorrow!!

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